What is Magnesphere?

What is Magnesphere? 

The Magnesphere is a full-body magnetic resonance therapy that affects the autonomic nervous system by emitting low-level magnetic field in the same range as those signals naturally occurring in the human body. These healing frequencies are designed to communicate in a way the nervous system understands. They interrupt destructive stress feedback loops, pain signals and inflammation. This tested therapy increases the body’s ability to rest, recover and heal from the inside without being invasive. The patient may notice deeper breathing patterns, increased mental clarity, and often fall asleep during the treatment.

The Magnesphere affects the Vagus nerve that connects the brain to all of the vital organs. When a stressful stimulus occurs, it places the whole body in a fight or flight stress mode by activating the sympathetic nervous feedback loops. When the body receives repeated emergency or panic messages from the stimuli around it, it is no longer able to return to a rest and healing mode regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Chronic stress destroys healthy tissues and creates inflammation, difficulty regulating daily emotions and hormones, and increases pain. The Magnesphere uses specific pico-tesla range frequencies to promote a parasympathetic response to the Vagus nerve. Ongoing 45-minute sessions in the Magnesphere promote healing alongside other therapies and chiropractic modalities. 

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